Mission Statement:
The Camden Parent Action League (CPAL) is a nonprofit, volunteer organization whose membership is open to the parents, staff members of Camden Early College (CEC) and the community members of Camden County.
The CPAL's mission is to promote an open and positive line of communication and understanding between all members. We shall act as a supportive organization for school wide enrichment. Our efforts are to assist the teachers in their classroom settings, hold fund-raisers to support various school organizations financially, and provide an annual banquet to recognize the Graduating Seniors, their achievements and our staff.
We are Camden Early College High School's parent organization. We are here to support students and teachers.
CEC Spirit Sale
Alternative Fundraiser
This fundraiser is in lieu of sending students home with the task of selling door-to-door, collecting money, and delivering goods. Please help us avoid that by supporting out PAL with your donation and helping us achieve our goals to support our student and faculty!!!